von Rainbow » Fr 13. Feb 2015, 16:19
2HG events have a minimum of 4 teams (8 players) and 2 rounds.
2HG has 60 minutes recommended deck construction time with 8 boosters for sealed
The players build two 40 card minimum decks from the card pool and basic lands. During a match cards not in either players deck can only be accessed by effects that refer to cards outside the game.
2HG can be run as a draft format. The 4 teams are seated around a table, teammates may communicate with each other while drafting. Each team opens a booster and picks 2 cards before passing it, these cards form a shared card pool for decks to be built from as in sealed.
In limited events players may play more than 4 of a card if they have them in their pool.
Teams can rebuild their decks from their entire card pool between rounds, even swapping entire decks between teammates.
2HG rounds are 50 minutes as normal.
In 2HG there are only 3 extra turns for the end-of-match procedure.
2HG matches are first to 1 game win, if the first game is a draw before the round is over continue playing another game. Players may not sideboard.
Players on a team win or lose together. If an effect says a player loses the game that player’s team loses the game, the other head can’t continue playing on their own. A team on 0 or less life or that has 15 or more poison counters loses the game.
Players may communicate freely with each other. Each player can see all information their teammate has, such as cards in hand and facedown cards. Strategy discussions should be done in a brief, timely manner.
2. Kahns
Draft im Anschluss in M15 oder Conspiracy