20.5.16 2 HG Draft + Draft

20.5.16 2 HG Draft + Draft

Beitragvon Rainbow » Sa 14. Mai 2016, 10:45


2 headed Giant Draft .
Schnapp dir eine/n FreundIn und draftet gemeinsam, spiele gegen andere Teams und erweitere deine Sammlung. Spass garantiert.
Vor Ort findet man auch noch Spielpartner.

Regeln siehe unten

CVJM Lübeck
Große Petersgrube 11
23552 Lübeck[/i]


Ankommen ab 18:00 Uhr
Start anschließend


pro Team:
SchülerInnen 18


Standardpunkte +

Teilnahmepunkte 1 +

pro Teammitglied:

1. 4 Ligapunkte
2. 3 Ligapunkte
3. 2 Ligapunkte
4. 1 Ligapunkte


Wie gewohnt 8 €

Two-Headed Giant has a few rules that vary from the original rules:

Each team has a shared life total that starts at 30 life.
Each team takes turns rather than each player. This means that players draw as a team, attack as a team, block as a team, and go through the various phases of the turn as a team. Cards that would make a target player take an extra turn/step or lose a turn/step cause that team to take or lose that turn/step (e.g. Beacon of Tomorrows (create) would make a target team take another turn after this one instead of just one player on that team).
The team who plays first skips the draw step of their first turn.
With the exception of life total and poison counters, a team's resource (cards in hand, mana, and so on) are not shared. Teammates may review each other's hands and discuss strategies at any time. Teammates can't manipulate each other's cards or permanents.
The first mulligan results in a full hand of seven cards (or however many cards constitute a "full hand" if other rules/cards modify the opening hand size). Each mulligan afterward results in one fewer card every time.
If an effect causes a player to control another player's turn, the controller of that effect controls the affected player's team's turn (e.g. Mindslaver would allow that player to control the entire team's turn instead of one player on that team).
The legal card format for a DCi sanctioned Two-Headed Giant tournament is the same as the Standard format.
Beiträge: 1162
Registriert: Sa 9. Jan 2010, 00:16

Re: 20.5.16 2 HG Draft + Draft

Beitragvon Theamarant » Do 19. Mai 2016, 22:12

Cards for trade - Karten zum tauschen - Cartas de Cambio:


Cards I need - Karten, die ich brauche - Cartas que busco:

Beiträge: 24
Registriert: Di 23. Feb 2016, 23:16
Wohnort: Lübeck

Re: 20.5.16 2 HG Draft + Draft

Beitragvon Neuling » Do 19. Mai 2016, 23:29

falls ein Anschluss-Draft zustande kommt wären wir dabei
Beiträge: 133
Registriert: Sa 12. Sep 2015, 19:14

Re: 20.5.16 2 HG Draft + Draft

Beitragvon borgardan » Fr 20. Mai 2016, 08:00

Carlos, sind wir Partner?
Beiträge: 421
Registriert: Mi 8. Jun 2011, 08:26
Wohnort: Feldhusen

Re: 20.5.16 2 HG Draft + Draft

Beitragvon Theamarant » Fr 20. Mai 2016, 14:29

Ja super!
Cards for trade - Karten zum tauschen - Cartas de Cambio:


Cards I need - Karten, die ich brauche - Cartas que busco:

Beiträge: 24
Registriert: Di 23. Feb 2016, 23:16
Wohnort: Lübeck

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