TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

Beitragvon giov » Di 14. Apr 2015, 16:48

Johannes Kühnel hat geschrieben:At our local Legacy playgroup we tend to have around eight to eleven players for tournaments. Each time one of us has to bring a Windows notebook to make the pairings and compute the tiebreakers. Sure, we could do it the hard way, make pairings and calculate tiebreakers by hand, but this is time consuming and annoying to do. Naturally, I figured there has to be an app for that in one of the app stores. Well, there wasn’t a single one specifically for MTG with the ability to compute the usual/official tiebreakers.

So I fired up my text editor and began to code such a program myself.

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